Welcome to Wealth Growth Investment Management
We are an investment management company and an authorised financial services provider (F.S.P. Number 46007), based in South Africa that invests clients funds in international stock exchanges using our tried and tested investment philosophy.
Our services include:
1) Our suite of Equity Segregated Portfolio Strategies
Please follow the link below, for an explanation of what Equity Segregated Portfolio Strategies are. We like clients to feel comfortable before investing their funds, so we recommend they read our investment philosophy and process to gain an understanding of how we invest. We also recommend clients look through our suite of Equity Segregated Portfolio Strategy offerings to see which one suits them. If they do not find a product that suits them, we then recommend they choose the personalised portfolio management service. What is an ESPS?
Environmental, Social and Governance (E.S.G.) principles are considered during our portfolio construction.
2) Personalised Portfolio Management
Wealthgrowth Investment Management (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider. F.S.P. Number 46007. Trading name Wealth Growth Investment Management / Tax Number 9105987193 / V.A.T. Number 4820270637